The Morality of man. Is the Responsibility of man. Based on the Knowledge of man.
In taking personal responsibility for fighting ignorance, poverty and the sickness of greed in order to create a better life for all humanity.
It is our personal responsibility to use all of the ever-growing body of human knowledge to create a better life for all humanity.
In honest debate for WHAT is right, NOT WHO is right.
We do not believe in promoting our religion. It infers we know of God better than others.
It is only through honest debate for the truth of all matters whether they be spiritual, physical or intellectual. That we will be able to establish a better life for all mankind.
We believe that whatever force you give the existence of humanity to. Be it a God, the Universe or mathematical improbability. It is now our responsibility to take that gift and use it to build a better life, future and existence for everyone.
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